the topic... hmmmnn... Where there is a slope, there's something waiting on top :D
I find that most of my most cherished experience in japan usually involve having to hike up a friggin' steep slope . Yes, I'd try not to complain and start walking (more like hiking -_-)
umm.. for example, like from the post before. the hike up to Gora Park, Friggin' steep weyh !!! >.< but I got to learn stuff from an awesome elgant oba-san xD SO TOTALLY WORTH IT !
Next should be.. the hike (yes exaggeration again) up to ueno park :D An oji-san gave free tours xD and the oba-san with him offered to send me some japan badges xD I LOVE HER FOR IT XD ahhahahaha!!! i will seriously go back and thank her if I can xD
and uhhh.... slope.. oh yeah, going up owakudani , its a place where you can see mt.fuji. practically u go up one mountain so u can see the other mountain. of course I didn't hike (much) , cable car(duh) , but there is still some walking distance on top. the cable car journey up was ..lets just say it left me in awe. It's not like you can see a mountain's shadow everyday xD and the short distance walk on top, let's just say I just couldn't bring myself to be mad at the sweet elder couple in front of me hand in hand having a sweet conversation (though I don't know what they were talking about) but face it, when someone blocks you ,you get mad. But this situation was.. just .. soooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeT ! i mean, when do you ever see an old uncle taking the hand of his wife and using such gentle tones on her? much-less spending time with one another.
But still, I was quite tired and didn't want to pry. So magic word time !! SUMIMASEN!!!
uncle-- dozo ~ (meaning help yourself)
me-- (runs through while saying ARIGATOU!!)
I reached the top part after a while :D , but one problem I needed someone to take a picture for me as I was alone -_- such inconvenience. Searching for someone to help me take a picture, I saw this uncle standing beside me, he looks like those uncles from those prominent clans and strict and uptight.(lol,too much anime) ,he was holding a DSLR. we both looked at each other and had this short eye contact before i returned to looking at my camera and acting busy while considering to change my mind about taking a picture. Who knew the uncle asked me to take a pic for him xD hahahaha, so I asked him to take mine afterwards. Turns out I should never let fear tale over and judge a book byits cover xD.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
My Japan trip ;)
Dear blog, (LOL)
On the 10th to 17th November, I went to Japan with my sister for holiday. My first impression of Japanese people --- polite,considerate,helpful and efficient.
Love the friendly society over there where everyone is ready to help.Majority of them can't speak English but that was fine, my self learned japanese was sufficient enough to understand certain words and thank god I can read Kanji (mandarin words) .We always got help from them when problems occurred and they are extremely efficient (no exaggeration there) . We were early for almost everything and every single thing was either on time or earlier.
First off, THE FOOD.
>ramen--check (one word--- YUM! especially slurping ;) )
>okonomiyake--check (so FUN to make)
and there are other random stuff and sweets i ate but idk the name =/ but still TASTY xD
Next would be the accommodations . we stayed at 3 hotels ,1 semi ryokan and one ryokan with onsen xD.
I think my fav would be the semi ryokan, its called kimi ryokan situated at Ikebukuro and damn, that place makes you feel at home. Like the scenes you see in an anime where kids say "TADAIMA" when they reach home (meaning I'm home or I'm back) , I did that >.< , hahahhaha~ feels so nice i tell you. to have someone smile at you when you get home just feels damn good. *the dude at the counter was good looking too ,HAHAHAH~ jkjk * There's a traditional japanese bath at that place :) you know, the ones they show in anime, where theres a bath tub and a few planks on top covering it ;) That.was.awesome. And futon (drool) awesomeness overload weyh. something like the pic.
The ryokan had hot springs :D , and naked old women running around . lol, anyways, its just plain awesome. Yukatas and futon ,gawd... i know what my future life would be like already, wearing yukata at home because I'm too lazy and having a comfy futon.
A quick go through bout what I learned there, I learned about tea ceremonies and other stuff (while my sis went shopping) from a lovely oba-san in an elegant kimono. I learned about the temples, the history and how to pray (theres a certain way to pray xD) from a nice oji-san who gave free tours. I developed some skills on how to walk around japan alone because being with my sis is frustrating. oh, and i talked to people from all over, from belgium, china, america , hongkong, malaysia ,taiwan and etc x) during the trip by myself.(sis went to premium outlet -.- ) mostly friendly people, the american spoke to me in japanese ._. -.- .. which i politely said sumimasen.wakarimasen. I'm chinese. (lol) He was like, so which part of china are you from?
._. .. (my bad,should've told him i'm malaysian ) I'm from malaysia.
o... so what is your main language?
.___. (shyt... i don't even think I have one) I don't have one, My mother tongue is mandarin and I speak english,malay and other dialects of chinese like hokien and cantonese.(such a brag,m i know xD)
whoah ,you are what japanese people call kyushu (idk the exact spelling) it means a mix of culture and (i forgot what he said, i was kinda too cold to pay attention).
Anyways, I think what he meant was what we call it in malaysia la --- "ROJAK"
Had loads of people speaking to me in japanese ._. do i seriously look like I am one of you people .__.
Anyways,I had fun pretending like a local xD found out my family name LIM is HAYASHI in japanese. And I found my family crest too xD awesome right? xP update later bout the oba-san and oji-san's xD
On the 10th to 17th November, I went to Japan with my sister for holiday. My first impression of Japanese people --- polite,considerate,helpful and efficient.
Love the friendly society over there where everyone is ready to help.Majority of them can't speak English but that was fine, my self learned japanese was sufficient enough to understand certain words and thank god I can read Kanji (mandarin words) .We always got help from them when problems occurred and they are extremely efficient (no exaggeration there) . We were early for almost everything and every single thing was either on time or earlier.
First off, THE FOOD.
>ramen--check (one word--- YUM! especially slurping ;) )
>okonomiyake--check (so FUN to make)
and there are other random stuff and sweets i ate but idk the name =/ but still TASTY xD
Next would be the accommodations . we stayed at 3 hotels ,1 semi ryokan and one ryokan with onsen xD.
I think my fav would be the semi ryokan, its called kimi ryokan situated at Ikebukuro and damn, that place makes you feel at home. Like the scenes you see in an anime where kids say "TADAIMA" when they reach home (meaning I'm home or I'm back) , I did that >.< , hahahhaha~ feels so nice i tell you. to have someone smile at you when you get home just feels damn good. *the dude at the counter was good looking too ,HAHAHAH~ jkjk * There's a traditional japanese bath at that place :) you know, the ones they show in anime, where theres a bath tub and a few planks on top covering it ;) That.was.awesome. And futon (drool) awesomeness overload weyh. something like the pic.
The ryokan had hot springs :D , and naked old women running around . lol, anyways, its just plain awesome. Yukatas and futon ,gawd... i know what my future life would be like already, wearing yukata at home because I'm too lazy and having a comfy futon.
A quick go through bout what I learned there, I learned about tea ceremonies and other stuff (while my sis went shopping) from a lovely oba-san in an elegant kimono. I learned about the temples, the history and how to pray (theres a certain way to pray xD) from a nice oji-san who gave free tours. I developed some skills on how to walk around japan alone because being with my sis is frustrating. oh, and i talked to people from all over, from belgium, china, america , hongkong, malaysia ,taiwan and etc x) during the trip by myself.(sis went to premium outlet -.- ) mostly friendly people, the american spoke to me in japanese ._. -.- .. which i politely said sumimasen.wakarimasen. I'm chinese. (lol) He was like, so which part of china are you from?
._. .. (my bad,should've told him i'm malaysian ) I'm from malaysia.
o... so what is your main language?
.___. (shyt... i don't even think I have one) I don't have one, My mother tongue is mandarin and I speak english,malay and other dialects of chinese like hokien and cantonese.(such a brag,m i know xD)
whoah ,you are what japanese people call kyushu (idk the exact spelling) it means a mix of culture and (i forgot what he said, i was kinda too cold to pay attention).
Anyways, I think what he meant was what we call it in malaysia la --- "ROJAK"
Had loads of people speaking to me in japanese ._. do i seriously look like I am one of you people .__.
Anyways,I had fun pretending like a local xD found out my family name LIM is HAYASHI in japanese. And I found my family crest too xD awesome right? xP update later bout the oba-san and oji-san's xD
Saturday, 10 November 2012
back and off again soon ;)
Went for "kem perkhidmatan" last friday to get my "perkhidmatan" badge, well DUH, anyways, it's a camp mostly based on first aid. I can now assure you that my first aid is officially better than any BSMM (red cross) in my school xD lol confident much xP
So first aid includes saving people from various situations or reducing the damage as much as possible until professional help arrives i.e ambulance. And of course, other than the oh so boring theory and practical on how to give a mouth to mouth to a dummy (lol , most of the participant's first kiss went to a dummy, how ironic *jk*) , There are water activities as well on how to do first aid or at least how to stay alive in the water as long as possible. Guess what? Mother nature decided I should skip that and avoid water activities because she think its the time of the month already -.- such a draaaaaaaaag........
I stand there akwardly as my friends jump into water and do all those weird poses according to the instructor . Lolz, But then there was this one water activity I was allowed to go on, It was kayaking , And god damn that was FUN. But I was kinda emotional,lol.
Here goes the story, The camps I go for right now are all routes for king scout. So naturally there are people from other districts as well since this is a state scout camp. I am from one of the strongest and most efficient district, PETALING district as I am very proud to voice it out. The thing is, our district is made up of majority chinese people and a few malays and indians.(no racism there :P as far as I'm concerned, we are one big happy family that only speaks english to each other even though we have our own mother tongue) The other districts are mostly made up of malays (no offense but I was from one of those districts before, I know)
No matter how we try to avoid it , there is still racism in one or two of us. Camps like this are like the HUNGER GAMES, remember? districts 1, district 2 and so on either fight or work together to survive. We ,petaling scouts stick together and back each other up (I am very grateful to all the petaling scouts whom have helped me through thick and thin) Okay, enough bout the district thingy, moving on, so what has it got to do with districts? well, you see, majority peopleof the other districts don't know this thing called manners. -.- ...
I've been waiting for my turn to get on the kayak for like half of the day, and every time I swear I had a the chance of going up, one friggin' BUGGER cuts infront of me and goes kayaking away with another friend and guess what? they langgar jambatan dan langgar tiang (hit bridge and lose control of kayak)
You deserve it BUGGERS Dx . The instructor, playful fella , splashed water a the crowd waiting for the kayak, and naturally, those BUGGERS retreated and started screaming and shrieking whilst I stand there poker-faced wiping the water from my face. (I wasn't in the mood) It was finally gonna be my turn with my friend, i waited there and there was a tap on my shoulder.guess what? A bugger asked me as if of booking or some sort,
"lepas kau sampai saya ya? ingat ya? " damn i was pissed -.-
There I was waiting for a couple of hours watching the BUGGERS who came back from kayaking and hitting the tree pass the life jacket to their own districts and I'M LIKE THERE FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS ALREADY. And so the story starts whereby I finally managed to get on the kayak with my oh-so-lovely friend of mine and suprisingly did an awesome job steering the kayak, by far I would say we were one of the successful ones out of the bunch. So we went one round and returned, when we were about to park the kayak at the "port" some BUGGER dude who wasn't a instructor but just a friggin' teenage boy slight older than me claiming he is a helper started making over kayak sway left and right. I got pissed off, and so I turned to the back and said :" are you in need of any entertainment? If so, I'm sure I'm not it" (in malay)
looked back to the front and he swayed the thing a little more, I wasn't really bothered . But then... The bugger flipped the kayak 90 degrees, me and my fast thinking friend just poked the paddle inside the shallow lake and stayed on that position for about 10 seconds or so with the paddle as our support. Imagine the sight -.- we were so stubborn on not wanting to get into the water then. Seeing that we wouldn't budge, a few other "helpers" and even the friggin' instructor came over and flipped the kayak 180 degrees causing us to fall into the water with no other way out Dx I was so damn frustrated (rmb, i was having the time of the month and the ah-hem might leaked and cause some accident in the water if not careful )
They were like .. " masuk air la" while turning the kayak around pouring the water out.
me: -_- sengaja je... (kepala otak ko yang masuk air ! -.-)
wah.. I typed so long ady.. a bit more la xD
Its the rainy season here in Malaysia, So yep.. My campsite flooded. We were in the hall listening to a speech when the girls were informed bout the campsite being in danger ,lol.
I was expecting something like khemah masuk air je (tent leaking)
The moment I went out, lol. The water level was up to my knee, Everyone waded to their tents to save their belongings. Whats so interesting about that that made me wanna post it here? Heres the deal, me and my "room mates" waded to our tent, opened it expecting everything to be wet, but instead, everything was dry and the tent was floating xD The only thing that kept the tent from floating away was the two big rocks me and mates ties to the tent out of boredom xD You know, It was very very very IRONIC as the water level was knee deep and all our stuff was dry. We were like the crazy ones out of the bunch as we were laughing so hard whilst other people were in the midst of hardship , complaining about the stupid flood. What's next? We started camwhoring anf taking pictures in the flood , so FUNNEH XD
well, think thats it for now, gotta go. My plane to Japan is 2.45 pm but gotta reach the airport around noon. Hopefully I can get some scout badges and scarf in japan =) ugh..I'm hungryyyyyyyy ciao people xP
So first aid includes saving people from various situations or reducing the damage as much as possible until professional help arrives i.e ambulance. And of course, other than the oh so boring theory and practical on how to give a mouth to mouth to a dummy (lol , most of the participant's first kiss went to a dummy, how ironic *jk*) , There are water activities as well on how to do first aid or at least how to stay alive in the water as long as possible. Guess what? Mother nature decided I should skip that and avoid water activities because she think its the time of the month already -.- such a draaaaaaaaag........
I stand there akwardly as my friends jump into water and do all those weird poses according to the instructor . Lolz, But then there was this one water activity I was allowed to go on, It was kayaking , And god damn that was FUN. But I was kinda emotional,lol.
Here goes the story, The camps I go for right now are all routes for king scout. So naturally there are people from other districts as well since this is a state scout camp. I am from one of the strongest and most efficient district, PETALING district as I am very proud to voice it out. The thing is, our district is made up of majority chinese people and a few malays and indians.(no racism there :P as far as I'm concerned, we are one big happy family that only speaks english to each other even though we have our own mother tongue) The other districts are mostly made up of malays (no offense but I was from one of those districts before, I know)
No matter how we try to avoid it , there is still racism in one or two of us. Camps like this are like the HUNGER GAMES, remember? districts 1, district 2 and so on either fight or work together to survive. We ,petaling scouts stick together and back each other up (I am very grateful to all the petaling scouts whom have helped me through thick and thin) Okay, enough bout the district thingy, moving on, so what has it got to do with districts? well, you see, majority peopleof the other districts don't know this thing called manners. -.- ...
I've been waiting for my turn to get on the kayak for like half of the day, and every time I swear I had a the chance of going up, one friggin' BUGGER cuts infront of me and goes kayaking away with another friend and guess what? they langgar jambatan dan langgar tiang (hit bridge and lose control of kayak)
You deserve it BUGGERS Dx . The instructor, playful fella , splashed water a the crowd waiting for the kayak, and naturally, those BUGGERS retreated and started screaming and shrieking whilst I stand there poker-faced wiping the water from my face. (I wasn't in the mood) It was finally gonna be my turn with my friend, i waited there and there was a tap on my shoulder.guess what? A bugger asked me as if of booking or some sort,
"lepas kau sampai saya ya? ingat ya? " damn i was pissed -.-
There I was waiting for a couple of hours watching the BUGGERS who came back from kayaking and hitting the tree pass the life jacket to their own districts and I'M LIKE THERE FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS ALREADY. And so the story starts whereby I finally managed to get on the kayak with my oh-so-lovely friend of mine and suprisingly did an awesome job steering the kayak, by far I would say we were one of the successful ones out of the bunch. So we went one round and returned, when we were about to park the kayak at the "port" some BUGGER dude who wasn't a instructor but just a friggin' teenage boy slight older than me claiming he is a helper started making over kayak sway left and right. I got pissed off, and so I turned to the back and said :" are you in need of any entertainment? If so, I'm sure I'm not it" (in malay)
looked back to the front and he swayed the thing a little more, I wasn't really bothered . But then... The bugger flipped the kayak 90 degrees, me and my fast thinking friend just poked the paddle inside the shallow lake and stayed on that position for about 10 seconds or so with the paddle as our support. Imagine the sight -.- we were so stubborn on not wanting to get into the water then. Seeing that we wouldn't budge, a few other "helpers" and even the friggin' instructor came over and flipped the kayak 180 degrees causing us to fall into the water with no other way out Dx I was so damn frustrated (rmb, i was having the time of the month and the ah-hem might leaked and cause some accident in the water if not careful )
They were like .. " masuk air la" while turning the kayak around pouring the water out.
me: -_- sengaja je... (kepala otak ko yang masuk air ! -.-)
wah.. I typed so long ady.. a bit more la xD
Its the rainy season here in Malaysia, So yep.. My campsite flooded. We were in the hall listening to a speech when the girls were informed bout the campsite being in danger ,lol.
I was expecting something like khemah masuk air je (tent leaking)
The moment I went out, lol. The water level was up to my knee, Everyone waded to their tents to save their belongings. Whats so interesting about that that made me wanna post it here? Heres the deal, me and my "room mates" waded to our tent, opened it expecting everything to be wet, but instead, everything was dry and the tent was floating xD The only thing that kept the tent from floating away was the two big rocks me and mates ties to the tent out of boredom xD You know, It was very very very IRONIC as the water level was knee deep and all our stuff was dry. We were like the crazy ones out of the bunch as we were laughing so hard whilst other people were in the midst of hardship , complaining about the stupid flood. What's next? We started camwhoring anf taking pictures in the flood , so FUNNEH XD
well, think thats it for now, gotta go. My plane to Japan is 2.45 pm but gotta reach the airport around noon. Hopefully I can get some scout badges and scarf in japan =) ugh..I'm hungryyyyyyyy ciao people xP
Monday, 29 October 2012
Random rant on Moral
Yes,I'm still having exam -.- .... I have stupid stupid stupid moral exam tomorrow Dx
Why on earth do we learn moral anyway? I'd rather learn something bout buddhism or do bible study -.- ,freaking moral .. waste of time... We are needed to remember 36 moral values exactly word by word for our exam. One lil' mistake i.e misplace of words,using own words,and incomplete sentence would lead to lost of god knows how many marks -.-
First of all, Why must we memorize it word by word?
Is it a spell? An incantation? Does the magic go wrong if I mispronounce let alone twist it around with the same meaning? I'm sorry, I never knew that moral values are such powerful spells whereby a missing word can bring upon tragedy. I'm looking forward to use the spells on some drug addict or burglar, maybe it'll turn them into pure souls with angel's heart with a halo on top.
Next,36 moral values?*(Q:you kidding me? A:NO :P)
I wonder who set it to be 36 , If I know I'm either gonna lock the person up and ask him/her to recite all 36 moral values precisely without any flaws or chop them -.- . Bastard... do you know how tiring it is to take science stream where you have loads of subjects that require memorizing like biology and history. Some more have to squeeze moral into our packed brains, oh gee.. um.. what can I say?THANKS ALOT.
Does it make me a better person?
So far, I think moral subject is actually intended for people who don't abide school laws, gangster and those people who always skip class wan lorh. Maybe having us remembering moral values can brain wash us but one problem, the ones that are not well behaved will most probably skip class, leaving the well behaved good pupils in class stressing out and taking the blame. If this is a tactic the gov. use to brain wash us, obviously they aren't succeeding .On the other hand, they made us more frustrated and rebellious. Does it make me a better person? well,NO. even if i have all these moral values in my head, it doesn't mean that I'll follow it much less think about it.
lol, back to memorizing my incantations and spells -.- , some day I'm gonna walk up an authority and just say...
"sebagai pihak berkuasa, anda perlulah mengamalkan nilai ........, nilai ......... bermaksud ..................... .Contohnya,Anda bolehlah ........................................ Ini akan mendatangkan pelbagai faedah kepada masyarakat."
lol, lets see if the spell works xP, Too bad the spells are in bahasa, else I would've mastered it long time ago >.< . Anyways, I'm going for my first aid camp this friday, wish me luck for the test :') lol, wonder if I'll pass CPR xD Anyways, back to cramming the spells into my head XP.
Why on earth do we learn moral anyway? I'd rather learn something bout buddhism or do bible study -.- ,freaking moral .. waste of time... We are needed to remember 36 moral values exactly word by word for our exam. One lil' mistake i.e misplace of words,using own words,and incomplete sentence would lead to lost of god knows how many marks -.-
First of all, Why must we memorize it word by word?
Is it a spell? An incantation? Does the magic go wrong if I mispronounce let alone twist it around with the same meaning? I'm sorry, I never knew that moral values are such powerful spells whereby a missing word can bring upon tragedy. I'm looking forward to use the spells on some drug addict or burglar, maybe it'll turn them into pure souls with angel's heart with a halo on top.
Next,36 moral values?*(Q:you kidding me? A:NO :P)
I wonder who set it to be 36 , If I know I'm either gonna lock the person up and ask him/her to recite all 36 moral values precisely without any flaws or chop them -.- . Bastard... do you know how tiring it is to take science stream where you have loads of subjects that require memorizing like biology and history. Some more have to squeeze moral into our packed brains, oh gee.. um.. what can I say?
Does it make me a better person?
So far, I think moral subject is actually intended for people who don't abide school laws, gangster and those people who always skip class wan lorh. Maybe having us remembering moral values can brain wash us but one problem, the ones that are not well behaved will most probably skip class, leaving the well behaved good pupils in class stressing out and taking the blame. If this is a tactic the gov. use to brain wash us, obviously they aren't succeeding .On the other hand, they made us more frustrated and rebellious. Does it make me a better person? well,NO. even if i have all these moral values in my head, it doesn't mean that I'll follow it much less think about it.
"sebagai pihak berkuasa, anda perlulah mengamalkan nilai ........, nilai ......... bermaksud ..................... .Contohnya,Anda bolehlah ........................................ Ini akan mendatangkan pelbagai faedah kepada masyarakat."
lol, lets see if the spell works xP, Too bad the spells are in bahasa, else I would've mastered it long time ago >.< . Anyways, I'm going for my first aid camp this friday, wish me luck for the test :') lol, wonder if I'll pass CPR xD Anyways, back to cramming the spells into my head XP.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
YOLO #SoNotWorthIt
Recently YOLO has been a trend everywhere,and has been a topic between me and a good friend of mine.If you don't know YOLO...
okay, lets get to the point. First off, I don't really fancy using YOLO as an excuse to do all those stupid stuff. For example,
see what I mean? YOLO shouldn't be used as an excuse to do all those stupid stuff.
And there you have it, I mean seriously? You only live once, so do something stupid and end your life earlier with no regrets.Take drugs because they make you feel good, smoke because its cool, run away from home because your mom is annoying, skip school because you're to cool for it and make your loved ones wait for you at home while you go out and party all night since partying is more important.
-.- ... THE HECK WITH ALL THAT! doing all those stupid stuff, is it worth it? By doing all those stuff, you just placed one leg inside you grave.I don't care if you die, but your loved ones would. You die earlier and leave them behind, who's gonna take care of them? Talk about YOLO some more .. whats your excuse this time? you only live once,so let others worry about you?
Think it throughly before you say YOLO, you only live once?
you live EVERYDAY, you only die ONCE.
now isn't that a whole different perspective?! shift your paradigm and change your glasses.The world is a better place when you do.instead... HAKUNAMATATA!!!!!! it means no worries :D
YOLO should be like this
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Coming soon..
When I have time, I'll share about tips and advices for scouts expedition camp(kem expedisi pengakap) if you are going for king scouts, if not, maybe it can help you if you are going for an expedition.I will share my experience, do's and don'ts ,what to prepare and stuff to pack. I went for the state expedition camp a few months ago and wish to share it with other people since going for an expedition without preparation can literally kill you. Like LITERALLY KILL YOU.
But chill, ^^ its fun :)
Tips and Advices for expedition camp -scouts COMING SOON *jeng jeng jeng jeng!!!*
But chill, ^^ its fun :)
Tips and Advices for expedition camp -scouts COMING SOON *jeng jeng jeng jeng!!!*
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Should be studying but..
I know I wrote the fact that I would be studying but.. Well yeah~ didn't feel like studying and you know :P
I've always been the type who is too lazy to study but couldn't afford to fail, Being Chinese , of course I have other ways on getting better grades. And it's not copying :P well anyways, I've got some "connections" to get what I need.
Just finished calling an old friend , was discussing bout add Maths. Been a long time since I talked to him,more like heard his voice. Well, I didn't really feel like talking since old memories start popping out but yeah , old acquaintances ~ never fail to make u smile because of a stupid thing. it's funny how the feeling of a person can feel like a best friend and stranger at the same time.. =\
He asked me how come I sound so ..dead/lifeless. , well umm..
Dude.. When you're at home there's no need to be all hyped up. That is just for show in front of other people, once you're alone you don't have to be so energetic anymore.
It's funny.. So he asked. How's Maths..
Me: fine.. I guess.. Ok .. It's not fine..
Me: you know me la.. Since primary school I suck at Maths..
Him: ...
Well there u have it, a re-cap of my now ex-bestfriend I guess.. I don't think we've ever been best friends anyway< only seeking each other for advantages. It's more of a business partnership I guess, when a deal is done nothing else matters anymore and everyone heads home without another word.
I've always been the type who is too lazy to study but couldn't afford to fail, Being Chinese , of course I have other ways on getting better grades. And it's not copying :P well anyways, I've got some "connections" to get what I need.
Just finished calling an old friend , was discussing bout add Maths. Been a long time since I talked to him,more like heard his voice. Well, I didn't really feel like talking since old memories start popping out but yeah , old acquaintances ~ never fail to make u smile because of a stupid thing. it's funny how the feeling of a person can feel like a best friend and stranger at the same time.. =\
He asked me how come I sound so ..dead/lifeless. , well umm..
Dude.. When you're at home there's no need to be all hyped up. That is just for show in front of other people, once you're alone you don't have to be so energetic anymore.
It's funny.. So he asked. How's Maths..
Me: fine.. I guess.. Ok .. It's not fine..
Me: you know me la.. Since primary school I suck at Maths..
Him: ...
Well there u have it, a re-cap of my now ex-bestfriend I guess.. I don't think we've ever been best friends anyway< only seeking each other for advantages. It's more of a business partnership I guess, when a deal is done nothing else matters anymore and everyone heads home without another word.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Doomsday (exam)
This is like sort of the last update before I unwillingly click into exam mode ._. yeah... unwillingly.. shut down the laptop ...turn off the phone ...
This exam is actually quite important to me , If I manage to score... It'll be easier for me to go for all the scout camps that i dread to go ^^ But first I must show that I am capable of handling my studies.. ugh.. I'm panicking about my chemistry and physics.. For someone who is more of a major in reading subjects person...All these counting counting stuff is really a pain in the neck >.<
So what I'm gonna do now is .. study like a chinese -.- .. lol.. yep .. study like a CHINESE.
Which means study smart and study like a dog, Last minute studying leaves me no choice =/ Anyways, studying like a chinese means no doing stupid extra work for useless stuff.My own chinese way of studying..*for last minute studies,might post the long term way after exam*
Haven't studied no shyt bout the chapter? no worries~ take a chill pill .
1.Bring out all the revision books and reference books you have according to subject, stack them together.
2.Get a reference book, Read through the summary of the chapter.Then do the questions related to the chapter.Its okay if you haven't studied bout the chapter in detail before :P Using the information you get from the summary, do the questions.
3.Of course you will have lots of mistakes, After you correct your answers, Look at what you got wrong and study about it in detail.LEARN.
4.Continue doing questions on other books or exercises too, The questions will usually just go round and round repeating itself but in a different form every time. In no time you'll master the questions and get a hint on what the topic is about.
5.If you have past year questions ,even better. Just analyze ;P
Those questions won't really go too far :P
The above is just for your information :P Not proved by scientist or what so ever xP
So far I've survived malaysian high school exam with the following methods :P
works for me.. oh yeah, one more thing, Certain stuffs that are required to be memorized like charts,series and formulas .. Memorize it. Its not impossible, I think the trick is to replay the info's in your head for like.. a couple of dozen times would d the trick for a short term memory storage.
anyways, wish me luck.GTG T^T...
This exam is actually quite important to me , If I manage to score... It'll be easier for me to go for all the scout camps that i dread to go ^^ But first I must show that I am capable of handling my studies.. ugh.. I'm panicking about my chemistry and physics.. For someone who is more of a major in reading subjects person...All these counting counting stuff is really a pain in the neck >.<
So what I'm gonna do now is .. study like a chinese -.- .. lol.. yep .. study like a CHINESE.
Which means study smart and study like a dog, Last minute studying leaves me no choice =/ Anyways, studying like a chinese means no doing stupid extra work for useless stuff.My own chinese way of studying..*for last minute studies,might post the long term way after exam*
Haven't studied no shyt bout the chapter? no worries~ take a chill pill .
1.Bring out all the revision books and reference books you have according to subject, stack them together.
2.Get a reference book, Read through the summary of the chapter.Then do the questions related to the chapter.Its okay if you haven't studied bout the chapter in detail before :P Using the information you get from the summary, do the questions.
3.Of course you will have lots of mistakes, After you correct your answers, Look at what you got wrong and study about it in detail.LEARN.
4.Continue doing questions on other books or exercises too, The questions will usually just go round and round repeating itself but in a different form every time. In no time you'll master the questions and get a hint on what the topic is about.
5.If you have past year questions ,even better. Just analyze ;P
Those questions won't really go too far :P
The above is just for your information :P Not proved by scientist or what so ever xP
So far I've survived malaysian high school exam with the following methods :P
works for me.. oh yeah, one more thing, Certain stuffs that are required to be memorized like charts,series and formulas .. Memorize it. Its not impossible, I think the trick is to replay the info's in your head for like.. a couple of dozen times would d the trick for a short term memory storage.
anyways, wish me luck.GTG T^T...
![]() |
this is why I do questions instead.. |
Just a thought : Love me Not
Here it goes...
Carries out daily routine of reading newspaper while having lunch..Reads the small sections since all the others are lame stories bout how our country is improving and what not . Those interesting things you learn from newspaper, from medicine,jobs,politics,sex ed and etc. Not to mention the reality part of life. And yet some stuff still upsets me.. Like how animals are treated, the lifestyles certain people lead, the mind sets of older generations, the crimes and other stuff.
love me not..("Love and Such Is Not Necessary")
The first thing I see when I spread the newspaper out to read...A self shot pic (camwhore -.-) of a girl. What's the caption? None other than
[mother begs that daughter comes home after being missing for 2 days or so and is said to be last seen with some guys in a car.]
The detailed article has a picture of the mom holding the daughter's self shot picture crying and pleading the daughter to come home safely. I find this.. very very.. disturbing and sad. If I were the mother, I wouldn't even have the guts to say that the person in the self shot picture with duck face,contact lenses,make up and what not is my 13 year old daughter.And the next day, An article would be published and the title would be [runaway girl back home at last] I mean..
Don't you feel ashamed? Aren't you the least bit considerate? I know family gives you pressure and all those shytty stuff but still.. running away with a few gangster guys aren't going to help you.I know you want OUT , getting a boyfriend and running away doesn't solve the problem.
My brother used to compare me to some of the sisters of his friends and even asked me stupid questions like whether or not I'll run away and all that. I'll just stare at my bro in the eyes and say.. what in the world makes you think your sister is that dumb? I mean.. HELLLLLLLO??? even if ,IF . I were to get a boyfriend, He wouldn't be those friggin' assholes xP . And besides, The LIM family strictly made it clear about no dating till I graduate from high school. -.- ...
Ahh.. which means.. I need to find my own source of entertainment when everyone else is in a relationship . Anyways,I'm doing well entertaining myself :D Le Discipline Officer for scouts is ready to shout and boss around !! hehehehe xD
So.. love me Not ;) *for now*

Carries out daily routine of reading newspaper while having lunch..Reads the small sections since all the others are lame stories bout how our country is improving and what not . Those interesting things you learn from newspaper, from medicine,jobs,politics,sex ed and etc. Not to mention the reality part of life. And yet some stuff still upsets me.. Like how animals are treated, the lifestyles certain people lead, the mind sets of older generations, the crimes and other stuff.
love me not..("Love and Such Is Not Necessary")
The first thing I see when I spread the newspaper out to read...A self shot pic (camwhore -.-) of a girl. What's the caption? None other than
[mother begs that daughter comes home after being missing for 2 days or so and is said to be last seen with some guys in a car.]
The detailed article has a picture of the mom holding the daughter's self shot picture crying and pleading the daughter to come home safely. I find this.. very very.. disturbing and sad. If I were the mother, I wouldn't even have the guts to say that the person in the self shot picture with duck face,contact lenses,make up and what not is my 13 year old daughter.And the next day, An article would be published and the title would be [runaway girl back home at last] I mean..
Don't you feel ashamed? Aren't you the least bit considerate? I know family gives you pressure and all those shytty stuff but still.. running away with a few gangster guys aren't going to help you.I know you want OUT , getting a boyfriend and running away doesn't solve the problem.
My brother used to compare me to some of the sisters of his friends and even asked me stupid questions like whether or not I'll run away and all that. I'll just stare at my bro in the eyes and say.. what in the world makes you think your sister is that dumb? I mean.. HELLLLLLLO??? even if ,IF . I were to get a boyfriend, He wouldn't be those friggin' assholes xP . And besides, The LIM family strictly made it clear about no dating till I graduate from high school. -.- ...
Ahh.. which means.. I need to find my own source of entertainment when everyone else is in a relationship . Anyways,I'm doing well entertaining myself :D Le Discipline Officer for scouts is ready to shout and boss around !! hehehehe xD
So.. love me Not ;) *for now*
Saturday, 29 September 2012
guess what? ^^
I got promoted today ;) I am now officially the Discipline Officer and Treasurer of my troop ;]
The installation ceremony happened this morning, I arrived to school , clueless on what was gonna happen.. Couldn't find my forage cap this morning, I felt like cryin' , literally cry >.<
Went to school late xD hahah~ late for meeting as usual~ when i reached, the scout master just started giving out certificates,badges and announce the hand overs. I stared as I see seniors handing jobs over to juniors, They'd march til they are right in front of each other, The old and the new . They stand there facing each other and as the new recruit salutes the old recruit, the job is officially passed over.
And it didn't take me long to realize that the scout master just announced the post and not their names. So i thought everyone knew their post somehow or something. When the time came and our scout master announced the post as the discipline officer/treasurer, A senior that I'm quite fond of and respect walked out, I was wondering who was the one everyone was waiting for and then .. everyone was nudging me to go out.LOL, my scout master was like..
Aiyo.. you didn't check ah?
O.O.. check what??
Check facebook la! post ady ytd~
.__. serious?!!!!
And so, with a cacat-ed march, I akwardly saluted my senior and took over his place. LOL.
hahahhahaha~ so.. em.. Discipline Officer/Treasurer...
TREASURER AH?? AIYOOOOOO... call it nicely is treasurer, its actually the job of an AH LONG ;[
Discipline officer... lolololololol I now have the authority to shout at people and make them do pumping xD hahahaha~ Must be fun :D but I should really be strict.. X)
The installation ceremony happened this morning, I arrived to school , clueless on what was gonna happen.. Couldn't find my forage cap this morning, I felt like cryin' , literally cry >.<
Went to school late xD hahah~ late for meeting as usual~ when i reached, the scout master just started giving out certificates,badges and announce the hand overs. I stared as I see seniors handing jobs over to juniors, They'd march til they are right in front of each other, The old and the new . They stand there facing each other and as the new recruit salutes the old recruit, the job is officially passed over.
And it didn't take me long to realize that the scout master just announced the post and not their names. So i thought everyone knew their post somehow or something. When the time came and our scout master announced the post as the discipline officer/treasurer, A senior that I'm quite fond of and respect walked out, I was wondering who was the one everyone was waiting for and then .. everyone was nudging me to go out.LOL, my scout master was like..
Aiyo.. you didn't check ah?
O.O.. check what??
Check facebook la! post ady ytd~
.__. serious?!!!!
And so, with a cacat-ed march, I akwardly saluted my senior and took over his place. LOL.
hahahhahaha~ so.. em.. Discipline Officer/Treasurer...
TREASURER AH?? AIYOOOOOO... call it nicely is treasurer, its actually the job of an AH LONG ;[
Discipline officer... lolololololol I now have the authority to shout at people and make them do pumping xD hahahaha~ Must be fun :D but I should really be strict.. X)
hahaha~ I'd be doing this to juniors next year xD |
Monday, 24 September 2012
This is kinda emo..
Todays topic.. emo topic i guess..
Well, from my opinion, I am the type of person who's a solo-ist most of the time if not given a choice.Lol. Its not that I want to be a solo-ist, it's just that.. you know whenever teacher asks everyone to form groups.Somehow I'm left out or I quit from the group because I seriously rather myself to be group-less when I see a person who is too shy to join groups and mix. And usually the people who is in the same group as me are the nice people, It kinda makes me feel bad when I see someone left out. And in the end, I end up somewhere mixing with people I'm not comfortable with ,letting that person join the group . lol.

Haha~ which reminds me, I walk,write,eat and talk.. quite fast.. Maybe because I'm used to do stuff without people beside me , No waiting on other people to finish. The typical tomboy that walks with her hand in her pockets or grabbing on to something because she doesn't know where to put them like a normal girl. I would accompany anyone because I'm too nice to say no (I don't know how to :P) . So yeah.. the person who walks around and appears and disappears without anyone noticing until I pop out of no where again. Hahaha~ maybe because I grew up with a cat, I rather take shortcuts when walking and save time to sleep and all that~ My friends say I'm like a ghost because I don't make any sound when I walk.. >.< hahahahhahaha~
Its actually kinda sad whenever I go out with my siblings , Since I was a kid , the view from my perspective hasn't change much.. My sisters would be hand in hand with their boyfriends/husbands and I'll be at the back silently following. Hasn't it change? well.. since they started having kids.. I feel like an outsider whenever I go out with them. I'll be at the back silently following and taking pictures for them. Never recalled much experience of people taking pictures for me though.. hahah~ laugh it off :')
who needs pictures?
Just a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, what am I being so emo about? And I got the solution.. I'm an attention seeker. That very realization disgusted me, no wonder I've always been the one doing stupid stuff at school.. And totally change when I get home. I don't really get much attention at home now, whenever I do, I'm being stressed out by their questions about school. Mom and my cat are like the only ones who listen to me and my stories , now that I live with my sister... doesn't really happen much anymore.. I became more and more afraid to talk day by day.It is really frightening, something spoken wrong would lead to my sisters arguing from their different point of view. Why? They are too stubborn. LISTEN. for once, LISTEN. Don't ask me to tell her what you want to say, tell her yourself xP!! I get scolded because I needed someone to fetch me from school/tuition and you can't make it and the other sister is scolding you? How is that my fault?! . Freaking Subang Jaya tuition centre don't wait til everyone leaves, they leave first and leave you there at a dark place , do you know how sad it is to watch everyone to have someone to fetch them and not forget about them? I'm like.. always the last to go home, heck I tell people I would be fine and ask them to go home first. What do I do? play with phone lo.. whats next? gets scolded for playing with phone at a deserted place. -.- ... kay..

lol, I'm used to it anyway. Its fine :P , I'm still deciding whether I want to live with my sis after graduation or not. I'm like..cincai la, on the inside.. HELL NO! -.-ll If this keeps up I'll end up somewhere receiving counseling session ... .___. not that bad lar~~~ xD .
Well, from my opinion, I am the type of person who's a solo-ist most of the time if not given a choice.Lol. Its not that I want to be a solo-ist, it's just that.. you know whenever teacher asks everyone to form groups.Somehow I'm left out or I quit from the group because I seriously rather myself to be group-less when I see a person who is too shy to join groups and mix. And usually the people who is in the same group as me are the nice people, It kinda makes me feel bad when I see someone left out. And in the end, I end up somewhere mixing with people I'm not comfortable with ,letting that person join the group . lol.
Haha~ which reminds me, I walk,write,eat and talk.. quite fast.. Maybe because I'm used to do stuff without people beside me , No waiting on other people to finish. The typical tomboy that walks with her hand in her pockets or grabbing on to something because she doesn't know where to put them like a normal girl. I would accompany anyone because I'm too nice to say no (I don't know how to :P) . So yeah.. the person who walks around and appears and disappears without anyone noticing until I pop out of no where again. Hahaha~ maybe because I grew up with a cat, I rather take shortcuts when walking and save time to sleep and all that~ My friends say I'm like a ghost because I don't make any sound when I walk.. >.< hahahahhahaha~
Its actually kinda sad whenever I go out with my siblings , Since I was a kid , the view from my perspective hasn't change much.. My sisters would be hand in hand with their boyfriends/husbands and I'll be at the back silently following. Hasn't it change? well.. since they started having kids.. I feel like an outsider whenever I go out with them. I'll be at the back silently following and taking pictures for them. Never recalled much experience of people taking pictures for me though.. hahah~ laugh it off :')
who needs pictures?
Just a few weeks ago, I thought to myself, what am I being so emo about? And I got the solution.. I'm an attention seeker. That very realization disgusted me, no wonder I've always been the one doing stupid stuff at school.. And totally change when I get home. I don't really get much attention at home now, whenever I do, I'm being stressed out by their questions about school. Mom and my cat are like the only ones who listen to me and my stories , now that I live with my sister... doesn't really happen much anymore.. I became more and more afraid to talk day by day.It is really frightening, something spoken wrong would lead to my sisters arguing from their different point of view. Why? They are too stubborn. LISTEN. for once, LISTEN. Don't ask me to tell her what you want to say, tell her yourself xP!! I get scolded because I needed someone to fetch me from school/tuition and you can't make it and the other sister is scolding you? How is that my fault?! . Freaking Subang Jaya tuition centre don't wait til everyone leaves, they leave first and leave you there at a dark place , do you know how sad it is to watch everyone to have someone to fetch them and not forget about them? I'm like.. always the last to go home, heck I tell people I would be fine and ask them to go home first. What do I do? play with phone lo.. whats next? gets scolded for playing with phone at a deserted place. -.- ... kay..
lol, I'm used to it anyway. Its fine :P , I'm still deciding whether I want to live with my sis after graduation or not. I'm like..cincai la, on the inside.. HELL NO! -.-ll If this keeps up I'll end up somewhere receiving counseling session ... .___. not that bad lar~~~ xD .
what hurts? heartache
I think what hurts the most is when the person you like likes someone else. On top of that, That person comes to you for help and console treating you like a psychologist. Sad much.. Of course you will be willing to do anything to help him/her, Because you like/love that person. You'd even stay up late the whole night consoling the person 24/7, answering all the questions and telling that person he is the best person in the world and you'd choose him/her over anyone and telling him/her that person feels the same too. Thats just.. sad.. Its like.. making a hamper with all those goodies you like and wrapping it up nicely with a ribbon and giving it away to someone else T^T.
Well, sad isn't it? thats life I guess..
Read bout this quote in a novel i read a long time ago.
you don't love someone for their looks, their car, their fame.
you love someone because he/she sings a song only you can understand.
:') , sweet isn't it? x)
Well, sad isn't it? thats life I guess..
Read bout this quote in a novel i read a long time ago.
you don't love someone for their looks, their car, their fame.
you love someone because he/she sings a song only you can understand.
:') , sweet isn't it? x)
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Just a thought : amazing?
I watched some drama on my stay at my sister's place in penang. That day, I was being lazy, holiday ma~~ so what happened was I did my day dreaming routine.Lol.
I mean, Drama's always have a happy ever after and they meet their true love. If you look at it in a different view, doesn't love look impossible? There's like.. 7 billion people in the world and you are one of those. From the 7 billion people out there and find one person that you like and likes you back. I mean, wow D: .. true love looks impossible considering you have to find one person you love. He/She might be at the other end of earth thinking bout you but there's no telling whether fate will bring you together. Break-ups and make-ups happen, so let it happen. If the first doesn't work out, Look at the bright side , Theres like.. 7 billion out there for you to restart your relationship with.
One more thing, I thought bout this question when I was a kid.
Is there a person who knows everyone and is a friend of everyone? I don't mean those kind of famous people who everyone knows but him/her doesn't know everyone. Wouldn't it be fun to be friends with everyone? Sounds awesome right? But one thing for sure you wouldn't have much privacy.

This sounds like what I'd do. :D *believer in love in first fight*
I mean, Drama's always have a happy ever after and they meet their true love. If you look at it in a different view, doesn't love look impossible? There's like.. 7 billion people in the world and you are one of those. From the 7 billion people out there and find one person that you like and likes you back. I mean, wow D: .. true love looks impossible considering you have to find one person you love. He/She might be at the other end of earth thinking bout you but there's no telling whether fate will bring you together. Break-ups and make-ups happen, so let it happen. If the first doesn't work out, Look at the bright side , Theres like.. 7 billion out there for you to restart your relationship with.
One more thing, I thought bout this question when I was a kid.
Is there a person who knows everyone and is a friend of everyone? I don't mean those kind of famous people who everyone knows but him/her doesn't know everyone. Wouldn't it be fun to be friends with everyone? Sounds awesome right? But one thing for sure you wouldn't have much privacy.
This sounds like what I'd do. :D *believer in love in first fight*
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
rants on behavior
Normal day after school ~~~
So as usual, stayed back every wednesday for some extra classes.I had to wait for my sister to fetch me and as usual, left behind again watching everyone leave the school compound. Lol.
Since its 3 in the afternoon, There are the afternoon session students around. But what i don't get is how come they aren't in class but out here?? Trying not to look at them directly, I was kinda disappointed. From what I gathered, They were skipping class and majority of them were chinese students. Which is very sad from my point of view as a chinese too. I mean, Seriously?? shouldn't you guys be in class or something?? its fine if you skip once or twice, I admit class is boring for me too. xP
Well, thats not really the sad part, The main concern is.. their behavior and attitude. i SEE GIRLS WITH WEIRD MESSY HAIR THAT WAS PRACTICALLY FLYING ALL OVER THE PLACE SCREAMING BEHIND MY EARS AT A BOY AND SWEARING. sad, isn't it? I mean.. gawwd.. kids.. you are 13/14.. you should be experiencing changes and trying out new interest, not skipping class and swearing bout some else's mom ==ll ... They make me feel ashamed and I wanna dedicate this song to them, Lol . yep. Just the right song for the right rant.
So as usual, stayed back every wednesday for some extra classes.I had to wait for my sister to fetch me and as usual, left behind again watching everyone leave the school compound. Lol.
Since its 3 in the afternoon, There are the afternoon session students around. But what i don't get is how come they aren't in class but out here?? Trying not to look at them directly, I was kinda disappointed. From what I gathered, They were skipping class and majority of them were chinese students. Which is very sad from my point of view as a chinese too. I mean, Seriously?? shouldn't you guys be in class or something?? its fine if you skip once or twice, I admit class is boring for me too. xP
Well, thats not really the sad part, The main concern is.. their behavior and attitude. i SEE GIRLS WITH WEIRD MESSY HAIR THAT WAS PRACTICALLY FLYING ALL OVER THE PLACE SCREAMING BEHIND MY EARS AT A BOY AND SWEARING. sad, isn't it? I mean.. gawwd.. kids.. you are 13/14.. you should be experiencing changes and trying out new interest, not skipping class and swearing bout some else's mom ==ll ... They make me feel ashamed and I wanna dedicate this song to them, Lol . yep. Just the right song for the right rant.
Monday, 10 September 2012
hate it when.. *meal edition*
so here goes the brief update, Woke up late and missed the school van 2 days straight which meant I skipped school.Was supposed to go to school on Saturday, and instead went to Melaka with second sister. Was fun, but now my eldest sister is mad at me, hate it when people get mad at me.Especially so mad that the person doesn't even talk to you and ignore you.The worst thing is I have no idea how I'm going to ask her to fetch me from school for staybacks and tuition.. I'm doomed.. She's been ignoring me for a couple of days. Anyways, uh.. will update bout melaka when I have time *feel like it*
Lets see...
Hate it when ...
1.People see food still on your dish and assume you don't want it and being picky.
2.People rushing you to eat this and that and thinks you are being picky, i mean whats the rush?!
shoutouts to the aunties out there..
3.Please.. don't make me talk while I'm eating.Hate to talk while I'm eating, especially meals like dinner. *I don't want to accidentally bite my tongue,choke myself and spitting food everywhere,and its actually chinese manners and tradition,No talking when having meal.*
4.People asking you to get something resulting you to get your ass off the dining table with half eaten rice. *depends on circumstances*
5.Yes, I eat with chopsticks and a bowl.Don't force me to use my hand even though its camp, I brought my chopsticks and bowl myself for a reason.And yes, I know how to eat using hands but the queue to wash hands is just so damn long, why take so long when washing chopsticks are so much more easier? Another thing, I always forget to cut my nails.. so you get the picture,Unless its roti canai ,burger, chicken wing and etc, I am not gonna use my hands ;P!!
Lets see...
Hate it when ...
1.People see food still on your dish and assume you don't want it and being picky.
2.People rushing you to eat this and that and thinks you are being picky, i mean whats the rush?!
shoutouts to the aunties out there..
3.Please.. don't make me talk while I'm eating.Hate to talk while I'm eating, especially meals like dinner. *I don't want to accidentally bite my tongue,choke myself and spitting food everywhere,and its actually chinese manners and tradition,No talking when having meal.*
4.People asking you to get something resulting you to get your ass off the dining table with half eaten rice. *depends on circumstances*
5.Yes, I eat with chopsticks and a bowl.Don't force me to use my hand even though its camp, I brought my chopsticks and bowl myself for a reason.And yes, I know how to eat using hands but the queue to wash hands is just so damn long, why take so long when washing chopsticks are so much more easier? Another thing, I always forget to cut my nails.. so you get the picture,Unless its roti canai ,burger, chicken wing and etc, I am not gonna use my hands ;P!!
or this situation xD |
Friday, 7 September 2012
what happened was ... The wall attacked me the other day~
ok fine, i ran into the wall and hurt myself, my face is now bruised.. again. Funny how I don't give a damn about my face when my friends start nagging me and asking me to take care of my face and plaster it,fix it and even see the doctor. They sound like they are scared that no one would wanna marry me if i had a scar on my face xD. Ironic right?
It really wasn't a big deal, I mean .. since i crashed on the road before, I've experienced greater damage and even though this hurts too, the one before was way more extreme than this one. One side of my face is now slightly swollen and blueblack . So some of my friends asked me funny questions xD
friend:Does it hurt when u eat?
me:of course it hurts xP , but still have to eat to live xD same theory as being disturbed by a ghost, still have to sleep no matter what.
well, I'm popular for being accident proned anyway~ when I told my teachers and friends I ran into a wall and bruised myself, their reaction = O.O .. AGAIN?!?
hahahhahahahahah~ yes, again.this time.. its the wall.Not the road.
I had this friend that started predicting what stupid stuff that i would do when i get pregnant or become a mom, which reminds me.. how am i gonna explain how i got all the scars to my kids? xD hahaha~ should be fun x)
* just now, as i was typing this. The power supply in the house got cut off.Lol, wonder why =/

ok fine, i ran into the wall and hurt myself, my face is now bruised.. again. Funny how I don't give a damn about my face when my friends start nagging me and asking me to take care of my face and plaster it,fix it and even see the doctor. They sound like they are scared that no one would wanna marry me if i had a scar on my face xD. Ironic right?
It really wasn't a big deal, I mean .. since i crashed on the road before, I've experienced greater damage and even though this hurts too, the one before was way more extreme than this one. One side of my face is now slightly swollen and blueblack . So some of my friends asked me funny questions xD
friend:Does it hurt when u eat?
me:of course it hurts xP , but still have to eat to live xD same theory as being disturbed by a ghost, still have to sleep no matter what.
well, I'm popular for being accident proned anyway~ when I told my teachers and friends I ran into a wall and bruised myself, their reaction = O.O .. AGAIN?!?
hahahhahahahahah~ yes, again.this time.. its the wall.Not the road.
I had this friend that started predicting what stupid stuff that i would do when i get pregnant or become a mom, which reminds me.. how am i gonna explain how i got all the scars to my kids? xD hahaha~ should be fun x)
* just now, as i was typing this. The power supply in the house got cut off.Lol, wonder why =/
Monday, 3 September 2012
major life crisis to be continued..
If you read my previous post -major life crisis- , this is the after part. For those who didn't, check it out if interested and it is a true story.
so.. after that incident where a ghost disturbed me.Here comes the after part which just happened recently....
I slept at 5 am that day since it was merdeka holiday, after surrendering to my tired eyes, I finally placed my phone down and went to sleep.What happened was that I was dreaming soon after, I forgot what happened in the dream but there was this one thing that couldn't get out of my head... I remember in front of me(in the dream) stood a girl and my eldest sister. As i looked from my eldest sister to the girl, I quickly saw the resemblance in the eyes and how she looked just like family. She had short and curly hair, fair skin, and had a small build like one of my sisters and she looked not older than her twenties.Heck, she looked younger than me. But the thing was.. she avoided eye contact with me as i stood there staring at her. By the time our eyes met, i woke up.
But wait, it's not over yet.. Being wide awake with my eyes closed. I felt a cold chill run down my veins and I shuddered as i felt an eery feeling/sound at my ears , goosebumps were popping out like popcorns in microwave and before I knew it.. I heard a cat's growl, and what happened next was i felt two strikes of cold wind being flung at my direction.It repeated, the growl and the wind. The wind felt like it was flung at me by some cats paw or unknown object, It was COLD.
I prayed..prayed...and prayed.. finally.. it was gone.. I woke up at 7 am.Which meant i just slept for 2 hours, I didn't feel like sleeping so I went for a jog. I couldn't seem to shrug off the feeling and felt its presence still being next to me as i jogged.
What i did was i started talking to it/them(I.AM.NOT.INSANE.), i figured they should be my ancestors or family members since the girl i saw in the dream looked like family and they never did any harm to me except for playing pranks. I felt the presence go away as i started saying stuff that makes them happy and that there's no point disturbing me since I can't do anything. I went home after the jog and went to sleep after i showered, I figured sleep was more important xD
So off to sleep, after i woke up .. which was around 1pm (hahaha~) , I told my sister what happened. My sister's comment: dramatic..sounds like a story leh!!
me: -.-" .. haha..hahahha... *starts laughing like mad since its true xD*
My sis called mom and told her, well yep..
Mom called me in the evening and told me she found out who they were and what they wanted as she went to ask god *according to her*
Mom told me she had two miscarriage, one was after my older brother and one was after me. One was before me and another was after me, and there was another person--my cousin which should be 29 by now. Three of them apparently wanted nothing from me, they just wanted to play. And apparently, (from my last post i mentioned i was more ying), which made me the target of being their playmate.
If i calculate it.. they should be 29, 26 and 15 years old by now. Which somehow made what the shifu i went to correct, The shifu told me that it was 2 adults, and a kid. Well, since they are my siblings in someway, mom told me to ask them to go follow the earth god we have at home as they refused to follow my ancestors . I have no idea what is going to happen next :P But i'm grateful that the gods heard my prayer *think they did :D*
Whats next? who knows? wish me luck xD
so.. after that incident where a ghost disturbed me.Here comes the after part which just happened recently....
I slept at 5 am that day since it was merdeka holiday, after surrendering to my tired eyes, I finally placed my phone down and went to sleep.What happened was that I was dreaming soon after, I forgot what happened in the dream but there was this one thing that couldn't get out of my head... I remember in front of me(in the dream) stood a girl and my eldest sister. As i looked from my eldest sister to the girl, I quickly saw the resemblance in the eyes and how she looked just like family. She had short and curly hair, fair skin, and had a small build like one of my sisters and she looked not older than her twenties.Heck, she looked younger than me. But the thing was.. she avoided eye contact with me as i stood there staring at her. By the time our eyes met, i woke up.
But wait, it's not over yet.. Being wide awake with my eyes closed. I felt a cold chill run down my veins and I shuddered as i felt an eery feeling/sound at my ears , goosebumps were popping out like popcorns in microwave and before I knew it.. I heard a cat's growl, and what happened next was i felt two strikes of cold wind being flung at my direction.It repeated, the growl and the wind. The wind felt like it was flung at me by some cats paw or unknown object, It was COLD.
I prayed..prayed...and prayed.. finally.. it was gone.. I woke up at 7 am.Which meant i just slept for 2 hours, I didn't feel like sleeping so I went for a jog. I couldn't seem to shrug off the feeling and felt its presence still being next to me as i jogged.
What i did was i started talking to it/them(I.AM.NOT.INSANE.), i figured they should be my ancestors or family members since the girl i saw in the dream looked like family and they never did any harm to me except for playing pranks. I felt the presence go away as i started saying stuff that makes them happy and that there's no point disturbing me since I can't do anything. I went home after the jog and went to sleep after i showered, I figured sleep was more important xD
So off to sleep, after i woke up .. which was around 1pm (hahaha~) , I told my sister what happened. My sister's comment: dramatic..sounds like a story leh!!
me: -.-" .. haha..hahahha... *starts laughing like mad since its true xD*
My sis called mom and told her, well yep..
Mom called me in the evening and told me she found out who they were and what they wanted as she went to ask god *according to her*
Mom told me she had two miscarriage, one was after my older brother and one was after me. One was before me and another was after me, and there was another person--my cousin which should be 29 by now. Three of them apparently wanted nothing from me, they just wanted to play. And apparently, (from my last post i mentioned i was more ying), which made me the target of being their playmate.
If i calculate it.. they should be 29, 26 and 15 years old by now. Which somehow made what the shifu i went to correct, The shifu told me that it was 2 adults, and a kid. Well, since they are my siblings in someway, mom told me to ask them to go follow the earth god we have at home as they refused to follow my ancestors . I have no idea what is going to happen next :P But i'm grateful that the gods heard my prayer *think they did :D*
Whats next? who knows? wish me luck xD
Thursday, 30 August 2012
merdeka !
Today was the pre-national day celebration for our countries independence day in school. I know what you're thinking, BOOOOOOOOORING !!
Thats why no one came to school today, even if they did , they skipped school and headed to a cafe nearby. Why? well lets just say we ,typical malaysian students can predict when the teacher is going to teach and when there aren't going to be any classes.
Why on earth did i go to school then? I seriously have no idea.
To start it off, this morning we sang the countries national anthem and other songs related. Halfway, i was standing in front of the assembly with everyone staring at me and a couple of other people waving the life size "JALUR GEMILANG" our countries flag. How the heck did i end up from singing songs at the back where i'm partially invisible to waving flags in front of the whole student body ? that , my friend is yet, a mystery to be solved xD
so anyways, yesterday, there was this event in the school hall where you can enter and team up with the disabled friends and make a card. My school is one of those schools with "special students" , and this week, was especially planned for them. What happened was during recess, i joined the event and teamed up with a friend i made named keith yong. I had no intention of winning the thing as the main aim was to interact and make friends with them. We made a pop out card and their teachers gave us homemade chocolates as a token of participating.
first off, i had fun. Second, I'm a sucker for people who are unfortunate . Third, the chocolates were YUM! x)
and another thing.. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT SECOND FOR THE CARD MAKING CONTEST!!!! :D it's nothing much really, just a small achievement and content :P
for malaysia, happy birthday malaysia :D i love my bumiputra ,indian,chinese and friends from any other race xD and if you are staying in Malaysia, consider yourself a friend of mine too xD *terms and conditions applied xP
Thats why no one came to school today, even if they did , they skipped school and headed to a cafe nearby. Why? well lets just say we ,typical malaysian students can predict when the teacher is going to teach and when there aren't going to be any classes.
Why on earth did i go to school then? I seriously have no idea.
To start it off, this morning we sang the countries national anthem and other songs related. Halfway, i was standing in front of the assembly with everyone staring at me and a couple of other people waving the life size "JALUR GEMILANG" our countries flag. How the heck did i end up from singing songs at the back where i'm partially invisible to waving flags in front of the whole student body ? that , my friend is yet, a mystery to be solved xD
so anyways, yesterday, there was this event in the school hall where you can enter and team up with the disabled friends and make a card. My school is one of those schools with "special students" , and this week, was especially planned for them. What happened was during recess, i joined the event and teamed up with a friend i made named keith yong. I had no intention of winning the thing as the main aim was to interact and make friends with them. We made a pop out card and their teachers gave us homemade chocolates as a token of participating.
first off, i had fun. Second, I'm a sucker for people who are unfortunate . Third, the chocolates were YUM! x)
and another thing.. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT SECOND FOR THE CARD MAKING CONTEST!!!! :D it's nothing much really, just a small achievement and content :P
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
we are gangster! (not me)
i wanna watch the movie when i get the chance, the song is pretty cool. Especially the malay and indian raps, the hokkien version also not bad too :D didn't expect for some thing like this from malaysia.PROUD. :D
Thursday, 23 August 2012
3rd day
Highlight of the day, uhm.. Oh yeah, I met this Penang fella. He is my sister's friend's son, half mat salleh. His name is jefferey, half Belgium half Chinese.
A year older than me and damn smart in a know-it-all way.
So my sister kept talking bout him on our way to his house to fetch him so we can go out . Since he is mixed, I was expecting him to be ..i dunno.. All matsalleh looking I guess.. But when I saw him, I kinda relaxed. Chinese looking fella, but when he takes of his specs, you'd be surprised by the dark features and outlines.
So anyways, he is a scout,so we shared some stuff~ blah blah blah~
He kinda sorta talk alot.. I don't really mind but some stuff are more guy things resulting in me falling asleep unintentionally.When he got excited , he looks like a energized bunny charged and ready to rumble .LOL.
He was fun, in some ways.He taught me how to predict the weather and how to catch crabs at the beach. Hahah~ catching crabs are so fun.
The trick. You know those mini crabs you see running around the beach? Here's how u catch them.
1st.walk around and find a target.
2nd. Follow the fella!! Keep following.
3rd.wait for the fella to get tired,mostly around 10secs can d.
4th. Squat down and PRESTO! You know have yourself a crab at your mercy. Lol.
We never really did anything to the fella anyway~ just fooled around~
So we went out with his mom and my sis and bro in law for dinner. More blah blah blah~ went night market, he introduces this series called (DR.WHO) to me. Sounds nice,gonna watch it if..uh.. Hahah~ IF I remember~ according to him,it is the longest series in world record.It started when Tv had color if I'm not mistaken.
Enough bout today, went for Asam laksa again. And will go again xD hahahah~ awesome Penang food~
A year older than me and damn smart in a know-it-all way.
So my sister kept talking bout him on our way to his house to fetch him so we can go out . Since he is mixed, I was expecting him to be ..i dunno.. All matsalleh looking I guess.. But when I saw him, I kinda relaxed. Chinese looking fella, but when he takes of his specs, you'd be surprised by the dark features and outlines.
So anyways, he is a scout,so we shared some stuff~ blah blah blah~
He kinda sorta talk alot.. I don't really mind but some stuff are more guy things resulting in me falling asleep unintentionally.When he got excited , he looks like a energized bunny charged and ready to rumble .LOL.
He was fun, in some ways.He taught me how to predict the weather and how to catch crabs at the beach. Hahah~ catching crabs are so fun.
The trick. You know those mini crabs you see running around the beach? Here's how u catch them.
1st.walk around and find a target.
2nd. Follow the fella!! Keep following.
3rd.wait for the fella to get tired,mostly around 10secs can d.
4th. Squat down and PRESTO! You know have yourself a crab at your mercy. Lol.
We never really did anything to the fella anyway~ just fooled around~
So we went out with his mom and my sis and bro in law for dinner. More blah blah blah~ went night market, he introduces this series called (DR.WHO) to me. Sounds nice,gonna watch it if..uh.. Hahah~ IF I remember~ according to him,it is the longest series in world record.It started when Tv had color if I'm not mistaken.
Enough bout today, went for Asam laksa again. And will go again xD hahahah~ awesome Penang food~
Sunday, 19 August 2012
2nd day :D
This morning we (me and sis and a couple of her friends) went to a fruit farm. :D.awesome. Missed the sun rise though... Should've rushed from The toilet to check it out.My sis's place has a seaside view. Awesome right?
So yeah, the fruit farm wasn't what I expected. There was this goose named Wiwi , friggin smart ! When you use different volume of tones, it replies you in the exact tone. LOL.
Later on, there was this pond to be exact, loads of fish ! When you go in, they start swirling around ur legs and then feed on your dead skins.Something like the fish spa, but natural :D And the goose came in and bath as well.the pond is covered in some sort of oil, but according to thrower of the farm, THE OIL CAME FROM THE GOOSE! Lol. Whoah.
So yeah, the fruit farm wasn't what I expected. There was this goose named Wiwi , friggin smart ! When you use different volume of tones, it replies you in the exact tone. LOL.
Later on, there was this pond to be exact, loads of fish ! When you go in, they start swirling around ur legs and then feed on your dead skins.Something like the fish spa, but natural :D And the goose came in and bath as well.the pond is covered in some sort of oil, but according to thrower of the farm, THE OIL CAME FROM THE GOOSE! Lol. Whoah.
Selamat hari raya :D
School holidays are a great time for Family outings and etc. Here in KLCC,due to boredom and my sister who is taking her own sweet time in the exhibition hall where the book fair is held, I'm writing this while sitting on the floor outside with all the other people waiting for their friends and families .
Tons of People walking around in front of me, mostly families. Parents dragging their sons and daughters along , moms with a bag full of magazine and cookbooks, kids with storybooks and dads, well,have their each and own collection of books based on their hobbies.Here comes my sis ,asking me to queue up for her.OH LORD... Such a damn loooong queue.
But I realized something while queuing , everyone was patient and queued up in an orderly manner.No cutting lines,no gibbering nonsense. Whoah. Seems like Malaysian Chinese has got some discipline in them too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being racist. It's a Chinese book fair,so naturally all the "cinapek" Chinese fellas like me xP
Goes. anyways,
To be continued....
So yeah,I am now currently in a bus heading to How FUN :D
I'm visiting my sister , and kinda running away from home and other stuff for a sec. I mean, I need a break too right ? xD.
I'm not taking a public bus though , The lim family sisters club didnt allow it. And so now, I'm in a 5 star double decker bus on the way to Penang. I got in the bus at 4, and now it's 9 and assdffggjjk .., I haven't reach yet. But the thing is, I SAW FIREWORKS!! Lots of them :D along the way to Penang. And here's a shout out to my Muslim friends!!
I kinda feel sad though, since I'll
Tons of People walking around in front of me, mostly families. Parents dragging their sons and daughters along , moms with a bag full of magazine and cookbooks, kids with storybooks and dads, well,have their each and own collection of books based on their hobbies.Here comes my sis ,asking me to queue up for her.OH LORD... Such a damn loooong queue.
But I realized something while queuing , everyone was patient and queued up in an orderly manner.No cutting lines,no gibbering nonsense. Whoah. Seems like Malaysian Chinese has got some discipline in them too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being racist. It's a Chinese book fair,so naturally all the "cinapek" Chinese fellas like me xP
Goes. anyways,
To be continued....
So yeah,I am now currently in a bus heading to How FUN :D
I'm visiting my sister , and kinda running away from home and other stuff for a sec. I mean, I need a break too right ? xD.
I'm not taking a public bus though , The lim family sisters club didnt allow it. And so now, I'm in a 5 star double decker bus on the way to Penang. I got in the bus at 4, and now it's 9 and assdffggjjk .., I haven't reach yet. But the thing is, I SAW FIREWORKS!! Lots of them :D along the way to Penang. And here's a shout out to my Muslim friends!!
I kinda feel sad though, since I'll
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Must NOT.
how troublesome..i ended up in this blog ..oh well. gonna sleep...zzz.... |
must not stab someone for
-not closing the door after opening it.
-being dumb.
-being mad at you for no reason.
-being a moron.
-waking you up from your sleep.
-touching your phone.
-talking behind your back.
-underestimating you
-ignoring you.
-using bad grammar.
-being inconsiderate.
-being a MEANIE.
-saying you are weird.
-not listening to you.
-being an a**.
-bugging you.
face it, people can be a nuisance and troublesome at times. But we are family no matter what race,gender and religion. hakunamatata xD no worries x) .oh yeah, my fav anime character from naruto. SHIKAMARU NARA :').
Thursday, 16 August 2012
scars .
when i say scars, i meant scars.Not this fella..
hi there :D *pedo!!! |
I, myself have loads of scars .I mean it, from head to toe. Funny thing about scars though, is that they never seem to go away, sure, they fade but somehow its like its destined to be with you for a very very long time. Each scar has its own story, some are unknown, some are just ridiculous.
As a accident proned person, there was this one time when i was still just a kid, i went to my grandma's house with my parents. My grandma had chickens, real life clucking chickens running around scaring the crap out of the person in the morning. I wore red attires since the elder generations think its not appropriate to wear dark colors around them and some other prosperity beliefs.
So what has it got to do with the red attire? i seriously have no idea, Its just a guess. what happened was that my dad was feeding the chicken and i just stood there and stared. The chicken however, started charging after me and chasing me ,and the worst part is that it started pecking my leg...
ugh..stupid chicken that somehow turned into a bull... Some years after, i asked my mom what happened to the chicken. She said some bangla workers ate it.. lol.
That incident didn't leave much of a scar compared to the time when i fell of a bike just last year.I looked like the phantom of the opera without his mask. I now have loads of scars because of that accident, half of my face was bleeding then.My limbs, of course were bleeding as well. The moment i reached the hospital, I was literally bleeding from head to toe. Funny thing was, i didn't feel a thing, all my senses became numb as i walked calmly over the counter and handed in my i.c to enter the emergency room. You should've seen the look on the doctors and nurses then.EPIC. Somehow i didn't need to wait for a number, MALAYSIA BOLEH. for the first time.
I walked in and sat down as i waited for someone to treat me. I carefully looked around, everyone seemed to be so busy, and when they noticed me, their expressions were just priceless. My brother came in the emergency room to after he parked the car, whilst he was just entering, 2 male nurses pushed in the stretcher *forgot what its called* the thing u push patients in. My brother started panicking and thought i injured my head or something, i just told the nurses i was fine and no broken limbs or any big impact.To prove my point ,i started moving around like a robot , my brother started recovering from the shock i gave him earlier. The two nurses once again pushed the stretcher out in a "we got trolled" pace.
I walked in and sat down as i waited for someone to treat me. I carefully looked around, everyone seemed to be so busy, and when they noticed me, their expressions were just priceless. My brother came in the emergency room to after he parked the car, whilst he was just entering, 2 male nurses pushed in the stretcher *forgot what its called* the thing u push patients in. My brother started panicking and thought i injured my head or something, i just told the nurses i was fine and no broken limbs or any big impact.To prove my point ,i started moving around like a robot , my brother started recovering from the shock i gave him earlier. The two nurses once again pushed the stretcher out in a "we got trolled" pace.
I got some scars here and there, truth to be told ,i got some pretty cool scars from this accident. I have one scar on my hand shaped like a quaver i.e music note. And some scars at the back of my leg that looks like a tiger scratch. meow? does that mean i'm destined to live my life in half a pace? since quaver meant half a beat. lol.
Throughout the years, I've changed a lot.duh, but yeah well, its just that after i transferred schools , I think i became a better person.Literally a much more better person, I've made great friends that influenced me to be a better person and exposed to the harshness of the rough world through the media.I'd still read the newspaper everyday after school and sleep whenever i'm in a car ,but i'd do more stuff that i'd never thought i would years back.
After i changed school, i joined scouts again. I'm really glad i did, I also joined interact club which stands for international action club .Interact club is sort of a community service club, and yes.ITS FUN.
And look where it got me now...
-working for king scouts.
-future vice president of the interact club.
-and yeah, a koperasi member.*they give free food xD*
-pure science student stuck in a class full of smart ass people.
And many more,
kept finding ways to improve , well not exactly.I only change or pick up a habit when my friend suggests it. But terms and conditions applied tho. I'm still the same old me, sleeps in class,talks a lot, accident proned and the only fella that hangs with the guys for fun. hahaha~ one more thing, i started picking up the racism thing,it's just hilarious since my friends are all open minded.Damn i love open minded people, so what's so fun about it?
i could go yelling "woi bumiputra!! when r u gonna gimme back my book?"
and he'd go "allah,typical malay what~,lazy ."
indian friend joins the crowd, instantly changes to indian accent.
:"deiiiiiii, vaat u want macha?"
hahahah~ no offense, but its funny.
i had this one friend who was a year younger than me, he'd say
:"stop being so racist la jo!!"
i just stare at him in a sarcastic way and say
:"when i was i racist la? malay boy~"
he just stares and laugh/cry
:"you just proved my point la jo!!!"
hey? what can i say? entertaining myself is important xD
no offense if u think the racism jokes are too racist for u to handle :P *and i only play this jokes on my open minded friends.*
After i changed school, i joined scouts again. I'm really glad i did, I also joined interact club which stands for international action club .Interact club is sort of a community service club, and yes.ITS FUN.
And look where it got me now...
-working for king scouts.
-future vice president of the interact club.
-and yeah, a koperasi member.*they give free food xD*
-pure science student stuck in a class full of smart ass people.
And many more,
kept finding ways to improve , well not exactly.I only change or pick up a habit when my friend suggests it. But terms and conditions applied tho. I'm still the same old me, sleeps in class,talks a lot, accident proned and the only fella that hangs with the guys for fun. hahaha~ one more thing, i started picking up the racism thing,it's just hilarious since my friends are all open minded.Damn i love open minded people, so what's so fun about it?
i could go yelling "woi bumiputra!! when r u gonna gimme back my book?"
and he'd go "allah,typical malay what~,lazy ."
indian friend joins the crowd, instantly changes to indian accent.
:"deiiiiiii, vaat u want macha?"
hahahah~ no offense, but its funny.
i had this one friend who was a year younger than me, he'd say
:"stop being so racist la jo!!"
i just stare at him in a sarcastic way and say
:"when i was i racist la? malay boy~"
he just stares and laugh/cry
:"you just proved my point la jo!!!"
x3, cope with it ! |
no offense if u think the racism jokes are too racist for u to handle :P *and i only play this jokes on my open minded friends.*
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
happy b'day dude :D
so yeah, it's my b'day today. yay :D woke up, went to school. The maid gave me a bento and water and said happy birthday before i headed to school. As you know, it's my b'day, i kinda expected like jam or tuna or anything in the bento.The moment i took a peek at the bento,inside was 3 pieces of plain bread ... O.O ... roti kosong... lol...
lesson: hope for the best,expect the worst. we do it the malaysian way x)
so yeah,went to school, bunch of people wishing me :D thanks guys, appreciate it.Though i don't know some of you xD .i have random people coming up saying happy birthday , akward much...
Got a present from a bestie xD , nothing much happened la. went home and slept.
woke up after some sleep,*i slept for a long time..* ,went to la carretas for dinner, celebratimg b'day mexican style xD with NACHOS!! and HAAGEN DAAZ ICE CREAM CAKE :D
me is so happy :D (malaysian people talk nonsense when they c ice cream )
and yeah..i had beer ... awesome shyt :D
hi,i'm jo. I'm 16 now. Still acts immature though damn mature in the inside, will continue acting immature to troll people :P
lesson: hope for the best,expect the worst. we do it the malaysian way x)
so yeah,went to school, bunch of people wishing me :D thanks guys, appreciate it.Though i don't know some of you xD .i have random people coming up saying happy birthday , akward much...
Got a present from a bestie xD , nothing much happened la. went home and slept.
woke up after some sleep,*i slept for a long time..* ,went to la carretas for dinner, celebratimg b'day mexican style xD with NACHOS!! and HAAGEN DAAZ ICE CREAM CAKE :D
me is so happy :D (malaysian people talk nonsense when they c ice cream )
and yeah..i had beer ... awesome shyt :D
Sunday, 12 August 2012
what's the big deal?
My hair is black,whats the big deal? wait....what's that? it's not black? O.O...
so people have been telling me lately.... OH MY GOSH!!YOUR HAIR COLOR IS SO NAAISE 8D
and i go
me: O.O... dafuq? it's black.
friend: nooooooooo!! It's so naiiiiise :D
me: ._____. okaaaaaay.....
friend starts touchy touchy my hair... *irritating D8..*
till now, i have no friggin' idea what my hair color is,they say it's brown and stuff... =/
so i went home and check, i looked and looked.... my conclusion:i'm colorblind xD
hahahha, but then i tried looking at the side of my hair,'s.. brown and stuff... xD
a hint of gold here, some highlights there and under is black and a few strands of white hair...
wait... white hair??? nooooo..... eh? looks kinda cool 8D
which reminds me , it actually kinda explains why the discipline teacher thought i dyed my hair last year . I think it runs in the family, there was this one time i asked my sister where she dyed her hair, she was like :"i never dyed my hair la~".
me:O.O serious ah?? all this time i thought you dyed your hair >.< ..
other than hair, there was another incident. My cheeks are 365days pink and when i'm tired or hot, the color pink flares up another notch.
so here it goes, last year i started my first tuition in a new centre, so i arrived late and all the seats were taken. I ended up sitting in the corner, which was friggin' hot, resulting in flaring pink cheeks and face.
So what happened was that the maths teacher was having a rant on students not doing their homework and wanted to check everyones homework. He went one by one and when he finally reached my place, i was telling him about being a new student and blah blah blah and then.. he stopped me.
him: girl, don't cry la! i know its your first day,i won't blame you wan la.
him:aiyo,dont cry la.tengok tu, muka sudah merah .
me: =.= ....*tries to explain that i wasn't crying.. but he doesn't listen..
well,the teacher stopped checking homeworks after he thought i was people were saved by me xD. as i got familiar with everybody, they finally get the fact that i wasn't crying xD.
My sister too, has pink cheeks, her teacher asked her to wash her face after PE lesson,so my sister went.My sister went back to class, the teacher was like
sis:O.O.. wash ady ..
sis: its...not makeup...
?? *touches my sis's face.. went O.O ...
so people have been telling me lately.... OH MY GOSH!!YOUR HAIR COLOR IS SO NAAISE 8D
and i go
me: O.O... dafuq? it's black.
friend: nooooooooo!! It's so naiiiiise :D
me: ._____. okaaaaaay.....
friend starts touchy touchy my hair... *irritating D8..*
till now, i have no friggin' idea what my hair color is,they say it's brown and stuff... =/
so i went home and check, i looked and looked.... my conclusion:i'm colorblind xD
hahahha, but then i tried looking at the side of my hair,'s.. brown and stuff... xD
a hint of gold here, some highlights there and under is black and a few strands of white hair...
wait... white hair??? nooooo..... eh? looks kinda cool 8D
which reminds me , it actually kinda explains why the discipline teacher thought i dyed my hair last year . I think it runs in the family, there was this one time i asked my sister where she dyed her hair, she was like :"i never dyed my hair la~".
me:O.O serious ah?? all this time i thought you dyed your hair >.< ..
other than hair, there was another incident. My cheeks are 365days pink and when i'm tired or hot, the color pink flares up another notch.
so here it goes, last year i started my first tuition in a new centre, so i arrived late and all the seats were taken. I ended up sitting in the corner, which was friggin' hot, resulting in flaring pink cheeks and face.
So what happened was that the maths teacher was having a rant on students not doing their homework and wanted to check everyones homework. He went one by one and when he finally reached my place, i was telling him about being a new student and blah blah blah and then.. he stopped me.
him: girl, don't cry la! i know its your first day,i won't blame you wan la.
him:aiyo,dont cry la.tengok tu, muka sudah merah .
me: =.= ....*tries to explain that i wasn't crying.. but he doesn't listen..
well,the teacher stopped checking homeworks after he thought i was people were saved by me xD. as i got familiar with everybody, they finally get the fact that i wasn't crying xD.
My sister too, has pink cheeks, her teacher asked her to wash her face after PE lesson,so my sister went.My sister went back to class, the teacher was like
sis:O.O.. wash ady ..
sis: its...not makeup...
?? *touches my sis's face.. went O.O ...
something to laugh on :D
british english VS manglish
Who says our English is teruk.? Just see below -
Ours is simple, short, concise, straight-to-point, effective etc:
Britons: I’m sorry, Sir, but we don’t seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
Malaysians: No Stock.
Malaysians: No Stock.
Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
Malaysians: Hello, who page?
Malaysians: Hello, who page?
Britons: Excuse me, I’d like to get by. Would you please make way?
Malaysians: S-kew me
Malaysians: S-kew me
Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
Malaysians:No-need, lah.
Malaysians:No-need, lah.
Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?
Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?
Britons: Please make yourself right at home.
Malaysians: Don’t be shy, lah!
Malaysians: Don’t be shy, lah!
Britons: I don’t recall you giving me the money.
Malaysians: Where got?
Malaysians: Where got?
Britons: I’d prefer not to do that, if you don’t mind.
Malaysians: Don’t want la…
Malaysians: Don’t want la…
Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you’re coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.
Malaysians: You mad, ah?
Malaysians: You mad, ah?
Britons: Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I’m trying to concentrate over here.
Malaysians: Shut up lah!
Malaysians: Shut up lah!
Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time.. Do I know you?
Malaysians: See what, see what?
Malaysians: See what, see what?
Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment.
Malaysians: Die-lah!!
Malaysians: Die-lah!!
Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?
Malaysians: Wat happen Why like that….
Malaysians: Wat happen Why like that….
Britons: This isn’t the way to do it, here let me show you,
Malaysians: like that also don’t know how to do!!!!
Malaysians: like that also don’t know how to do!!!!
Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me
Malaysians: Celaka u
Malaysians: Celaka u
Briton: Where is the leak? I shall ask the Works Minister to look into it.
Malaysian: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID question. Where got “bocor” ?
Malaysian: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID question. Where got “bocor” ?
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