Friday, 17 January 2014

Just a thought : does young love exist?

 Been watching loads of movies and dramas lately, it just struck me that most of the main characters are in their teen years (some even younger than me) and they are truly madly deeply in love. Which brings to another thing, I realized I don't believe how true it is. Well, in all honesty, I don't believe most of it. It feels like love is ruled by hormones during our teenage years. Does it exist or is it just a game played by our hormones? Are we truly capable of it?
  When I look around, I feel as if I'm left out whilst others are already talking about their 2nd or 3rd relationships. (But relationships shouldn't be hurried,yeah, I know :P) I'm just waiting for someone to embark this journey with me, we'd either sink or go far. But I highly doubt the latter somehow. It feels surreal, like some cheesy chick flick. All in all, I might as well not board the ship in the first place.I'm sure the world has much to offer other than chapters from a love story. Who am I kidding, I belong somewhere in a confucius book full of etiquette and unspoken rules. To be someone who values family honor more than her life.
  But honestly, the events that could happen feels surreal somehow. I highly doubt it would happen but who knows? I've always lead a dramatic life somehow up till this point.
if I were to sink, I'd sink in style

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