Wednesday 6 August 2014

Baju Kurung - The good and the bad

  This post would be about the baju kurung (commonly known as traditional malay wear) but from a perspective of it as a school uniform for Malaysian public school girls. Baju kurung consists of 2 pieces. A long skirt and a white long sleeve top. A camisole is usually worn under it to prevent people from staring at your somewhat exposed bra under the sheer white top.

   I've been wearing it as a school uniform for a couple of months now and still getting the hang of it for now. So lets get it started...

The good :-

1. You feel/look/appear more lady-like. 
Is it magic? Perhaps. Traditional clothes always gave off that timeless elegance somehow. Not to mention I can sit however I like and still look appropriate. Sometimes during talks or assembly Malaysian students are to sit on the floor(usually cross legged) and when that certain activity goes on for what feels like FOREVER, we start feeling as if we lost our leg (I mean restricted blood flow in the leg causing numbness) and opt to switch sitting position. Since it's a long skirt, no matter how you sit. One still looks ladylike. Not to mention being able to protect our womanhood from being out in the open which sadly is what happens when you hug your knees while wearing a pinafore.

2. Great for rainy days/cold days.
You know that feeling of contentment when the temperature is slightly chilly and you have this layer of warmth around you as if you're being cuddled? (exaggerated much but yeah) 

3. No tie! :)
No more ruckus of searching for a tie every monday morning just for the assembly.

The bad :-
1. Mobility (lemme rephrase that in Malaysian language.. KENNOT WALK LA DEI.)
Even though there are folds in the skirt to enable one to expand their step , the darn folds won't open every single time. One time I almost fell into a drain because I overestimated how far I could put one foot in front of the other. Not to mention the fact that I can't cross obstacles like platforms that are a whole foot higher without hiking up my skirt. I also risk falling every single time I accidentally step on my baju kurung.

2. Bad for typical Malaysian weather.
Hot and humid air plus the number of layers of clothes can literally cause trauma if not for the invention of fan. Basically, you'll be sweating like a dog .

3. Sleeves in the way.
The long sleeves are a nuisance when you want to write unless you fold it up.

These are basically the main pros and cons but honestly, what I can tell you is that its basically a double edged sword. It may be great for rainy days, but you'll have to worry about not getting it wet since the skirt will probably get soaked with the wet floor. It may restrict your mobility when walking up the stairs since you risk stepping on your baju kurung but no doubt at times you feel like some modern day cinderella , hiking up her skirt to rush away from the prince to class.


  1. If use pinafore will it swear less than baju kurung? Must confirm it before I buy ^_^

  2. Excuse me but do you mean sweat ? :) yes,you'll sweat less in pinafore.but both are about the same depending on your activity rate .If you walk around a lot and is always busy attending to matters such as clubs and events around the school,id suggest the pinafore.It all comes down to which one you prefer. =]
    Don't hesitate to ask anything else, Hope you find what suits you =]

  3. Tq ^_^ ya I think like this also. When I go near like many student wearing baju kurung one, like got a bit of smelly, sorry I not want to be rude..I think maybe baju kurung also not safe? If got dangerous event like perogol then will be hard to run away or fight, the long skirt hahaha XD

    1. HAHAHAHA true :) *for your own safety's sake I suppose, Pinafore is a good choice.* :)


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