Friday 12 June 2015

Just a thought : Taking control

 Living in the era where one is constantly exposed to new information with or without intention can be useful yet nerve wrecking at the same time. There are the pros and the cons of being subsequently submerged in a sea of information throughout the day.

    Have you ever stopped and realized that you were taking in a catchy song that may have somehow wormed its way into your head from a radio programme. Unbeknownst to you, That song might have lyrics that were meant to degrade people of different sexual preferences or foul language that really shouldn't be coming out of a decent person's mouth. Yet, that song is stuck in your head due to its terrifyingly catchy tune. This also leads to earworms where the songs just gets stuck in your head throughout the whole day while you carry out activities that doesn't require much thought. 

 But those pesky earworms favourite times to mingle around your head is non other than during exam where you're all stressed out. Having it stuck in your head is bad enough, having it drilling foul languages and degrading thoughts in your head is the worse part of it. 

 So choose carefully and take control of what you listen to.

 Personally, I dread songs where females are seen as solely an item of sex rather than of the same class of beings. This brings me to another point, it's because of influences like this that till this day females no matter how educated will still be looked downed as merely a doll mainly for household chores and reproductive uses. 

   Stares, cat calls and disgusting smirks from these type of men more often than not just makes it hard for females today believe whether civilization is actually moving forward or actually back tracking. I wouldn't call myself a feminist for I have done nothing to contribute to that movement, I am but a human being asking for respect among human beings regardless of sex. How hard is it to actually respect another? 

To girls (boys too) , If someone even shows a hint of disrespect and rudeness, don't even bother with them. Just detach yourself from them and remember that 

  "I matter."
  That's all you really need. 
                       Don't ever forget that.

 If someone disrespects you in any way, they don't deserve your time. Don't make a fuss about it, just detach and move on. 
    Mingle with civilised people. For when you spend time with people of worth, you become worthy yourself.There's a study that says that you are the average of the people you spend most your time with. I find that quite true.

 So choose carefully and take control of who you spend your time with. 

  Ever been so caught up in a video marathon on youtube whether it be buzzfeed (buzzfeed videos are awesome! ) or cat videos that you lose your sense of time? I've wasted countless hours just watching something that has nothing to do with me on a personal level but appeared on my suggestion box. But of course, Some of these videos (if you're going on a beneficial video marathon) will get you thinking. How kids react to certain things and how the reality is like. I sometimes find myself forcing myself through a video even though it wa boring. (why do I do this to myself...)

  Movies on the other hand are a total different story. The movies we watched while growing up might've caused some of us to be inspired i.e Mulan. But then again, having being used to all the gore and blood in movies and stuff really makes getting stabbed and bleeding a pool of blood seem like nothing. But in reality, It should send chills up our spine even thinking about it. Test yourself, when you imagined a person getting stabbed and being surrounded a pool of his own blood, what went through your head?  I'm presuming that it resembles something like "meh" or "lol"  So how much did movies and dramas affect our perspective? 

So choose wisely the things you let yourself watch.

  Of course after going through all that, there will be inevitable times when you just can't jump out of the car when your mom is driving and perhaps humming to a rap song that unbeknownst to her has something to do with big butts and genitals. Till you get the chance to jump out of the vehicle,

Take control of your thoughts.

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